No one wants to hear the words “You have cancer.” But people diagnosed with mesothelioma may find their diagnosis even more difficult. "This is generally regarded as a poor-prognosis cancer from the beginning," explains Alan D. Valentine, MD, associate psychiatrist and associate professor of medicine (psychiatry) at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Mesothelioma is typically diagnosed in the later stages, when treatment is difficult and the prognosis is poor. This makes a mesothelioma diagnosis even more difficult to cope with, says Dr. Valentine. "The patients get hit with that immediately," he adds, which can cause immediate stress and anxiety. Mesothelioma Diagnosis: The Emotional Impact A cancer diagnosis, particularly of mesothelioma, can cause a wide range of emotions, and may make you feel: Depressed Guilty Afraid Shocked and in disbelief Angry Anxious about what will happen Grief Hopeless Overwhelmed People with mesothelioma are often entitled to a settlement if they were exposed to asbestos at work. Faced with the daunting challenge of mesothelioma treatment, and a possible long, drawn-out court case, mesothelioma can seem like too much to deal with. Mesothelioma Diagnosis: "Be Your Own Advocate" In 2004, Paul S. Zygielbaum, from Santa Rosa, Calif., was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma, which is in the abdomen. Mesothelioma is extremely rare, and his type even more so. He had a difficult time finding doctors who knew much about the disease — so he became an expert on the matter. "You have to understand not only the disease, but the treatment options," says Zygielbaum. You have to be prepared with questions, and find a medical professional whom you trust with your care and treatment. "You can't go into it with uncertainty," he says. Coping with his diagnosis and prognosis wasn't easy, but he found that laughter was a good way for him to manage. "You have to keep your own spirits up," Zygielbaum says. He made jokes about it to relax himself and others, and used humor to get through the difficult time. Faced with a difficult surgery, Zygielbaum set a future goal to help him through the treatment and recovery. He and his wife had been planning a trip to France, and he was determined to make that trip. And he did — about seven weeks after his surgery. "That was something to look forward to," he says. "Otherwise you focus on the bad stuff, and that's not going to help you." Mesothelioma Diagnosis: Coping Tips When you're faced with a diagnosis of mesothelioma, you may not know where to begin to deal with the situation and make yourself start feeling better. Here are some tips to help you cope and begin looking ahead to treatment: Keep up your regular routine. You'll only feel more out of sorts and less like yourself if everything in your life is different. Focus on regular daily activities like paying bills, cleaning the house, taking care of the kids or pets, and going to the grocery store. Express your feelings. You can write in a journal that's just for you, or talk to a friend, family member, or therapist. These techniques can be helpful when it comes to recognizing and dealing with your emotions. Allow yourself to be completely honest. Start learning about it. Do research on your own, visit with doctors, and ask questions. Scour the Internet and books in the library for information on mesothelioma treatment options, and what recovery will be like. Take notes that you can review later or take to the doctor's office when you have questions. Spend time with friends and family. You want their love, support, company, and distraction now more than ever. Plan fun family events and activities that you can enjoy to take your mind off your health situation — and to remind you why your treatment is so important. Join a support group. Try to find a mesothelioma or other cancer support group, either in your town or online. You'll find support and advice from others in your situation to be a huge help. Check the Internet and your phone book, and ask your doctor for recommendations. Even if you may feel like you're alone and no one else could understand what you're going through, you're not. Reach out to other people who have experienced mesothelioma, and lean on friends and family when you need them. You'll be able to support each other through this difficult time, and face cancer treatment together.